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Modern Weights and Measures Regulation in the United States: A Brief History

This book provides a concise history of weights and measures regulation in the United States from the early Twentieth Century up to the present day. It is written for academic and professional readers.  There is a chapter on basic terms and concepts and a glossary is included at the back of the book. Other chapters discuss the origins and history of weights and measures laws and regulations; the economics of weights and measures regulation; key enforcement cases; landmark legal decisions; the effects of public policy; and a forecast on the future of weights and measures regulation. A new 2019 survey of state weights and measures regulatory programs is included. A chapter discusses a case study of the weights and measures regulatory program in Seattle, Washington. This is the only book on weights and measures regulation from the perspective of a long-time weights and measures regulatory official.

Transportation Network Companies and Taxis: The Case of Seattle

This book is a case study of the impact of market disruption by the Transportation Network Company (TNC) - e.g., Uber, Lyft - on the taxicab industry in Seattle and King County. The study examines what happened, why it happened and predicts what will happen in the future. The taxicab industry lost approximately 55% of its business (revenue trips) to the TNC industry but has recently begun a modest recovery. The TNC industry engaged in predatory pricing (charging below-cost rates that were one-half taximeter rates) to drive the the taxicab industry out of the market but it has failed. The TNC industry wa not profitable during its first decade of operations. Unless it comes up with a new business model, the TNC industry may itself go out of business.

[Note: This book was completed before the COVID-19 pandemic. A future companion volume is planned to examine the period 2019 to the present.]

little truths in broken lines: a collection of poetry 1971- 2023

A collection of 54 humorous and serious poems composed over a lifetime (age 21 to 73). The poems experiment with poetic styles and explore a wide variety of themes. On the page opposite each poem is a commentary describing my thoughts and feelings when I composed it.  Also included are 6 essays discussing different aspects of poetry.